The entire world of medical and industrial boroscopes would not be possible without a source of illumination. Cavities and openings, even straight openings, require light to be delivered to the point of interest before a scope user can “see” intended features.

Rigid scopes use a rigid fiber delivery process, and flexible scopes primarily use fiberoptic small diameter fiber optic light guides.
While LED diodes have started to make inroads in this application, the use of wires, emitted diode heat, and challenging diode color temperatures make the use of fiberoptic lighting in this application preferred.
Fiberoptics Technology developed a proprietary method of constructing flexible internal light guides in 1981.
The Company’s ability to assemble high density fiber packing in extremely thin (.005”) and flexible silicone sheathing make the internal light guide product sought-after options for both OEM and aftermarket scope service applications.
Over 850 different configurations are available, many from stock, for Olympus, Pentax, and Fujinon OEM scopes. Fiber with numerical aperture of .87 .55 .66 are available. If you need a light guide not in our portfolio, contact us directly to work through a no-charge engineering effort to meet your requirements.